Wednesday, February 21, 2018

The All-Loving God of William Lane Craig

On his website, Craig answers questions posed to him by people all around the world. In one of these, asked by a Muslim from Jordan, Craig defends his Christian view of God as all loving and therefore preferable to the Muslim concept.

He cites the fact that the Quran says at times that Allah does not love everyone. I haven't myself read these verses, but I'll take their word for it. My problem, however, is with the notion that Craig's god really qualifies as "all loving".

In another post on his site, Craig infamously defends the Israelites slaughter of the Canaanites in the Bible, as commanded by God. Since he follows the divine command theory, God commanding it makes this right.

Ironically in the same post Craig mentions his moral argument for God's existence, yet does not seem to realize this theory is a good example of ethical subjectivism, even going by his own definition. I'll discuss that further in another post however.

The point: where is God "all-loving" in ordering genocide? Really, if this does not refute it, the term becomes empty. More importantly, this makes God very similar to Allah, in clearly not loving every person equally. Unless killing them is a sign of his love?

Craig seems to argue exactly that at least with regards to the Canaanite children, since he believes will be saved, being innocent. Why their adult parents and relatives could not be saved rather than killed though is another issue here.

It is notable just how little mercy a supposedly all-loving God seems to be capable of. Rather than, say, make the Canaanites infertile as punishment for their sins and simply allow them to die out, he has the Israelites simply slaughter them all, children included.

The same could be said for those millions who never heard the word of God at all. Even if God, for whatever reason, doesn't simply reveal himself, just why do they exist? So they all can go to hell out of ignorance? Yet to Craig, it seems, nothing will count against God being an all-loving deity. 

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